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- I work on the computer in the office for an
average of 8 hours a day.
- It hurts when I tilt my neck back.
- My neck and shoulders often hurt and stiffen.
- My back is bent.
- It hurts to move my neck in certain angles.
- I often hear that I have bad sleeping habits
- It in uncomfortable to use any type of pillow
- I have a habit of lifting my arms when sleeping
- My neck is always tilted in pictures.
- The height of one ear is different from the other
when I look at the mirror.
- I have a habit of twisting my neck and shoulders
to make crackling sounds
Check now
- Sounds are generated from the chin
- Slouched posture with forward neck
- Heaviness in neck and shoulders
- Crooked chin
- Strange walk
- Many wrinkles on neck
- Bent back
- Bowlegs
- Always tired
I have a turtle neck?
Unlike the normal C-shaped neck form, the turtle
neck is a condition in which the neck is presented
forward due to long hours of computer use, excessive
studying, and stress. The turtle neck cannot support
the heavy weight of the head to make people feel
heaviness in their neck, shoulders, and back.
The turtle neck also creates a slouched posture to
develop an unattractive body shape.
What is miltary / turtle neck syndrome?
Military or turtle neck syndrome refers to the
condition of body shape asymmetry in which stiff
neck muscles create a slouched posture and bring the
neck forward.
In particular, many people slouch when working on
computer and a regular S-shaped spine also develops
a military neck. As the neck is connected with the
spine, waist, and legs asymmetry of the full body
can be generated by neglecting the military neck
syndrome for a long period.